SMK 4 N Tanjung Pinang Visited Polibatam: Realizing Link and Match of SMK and Dudika of Animation Study Program

Dunia Usaha, Dunia IPOLIBATAM-A total of 22 students and 5 teachers at SMKN 4 Tanjung Pinang visited Politeknik Negeri Batam on Wednesday, December 14, 2022. This agenda carried out Link and Match of SMK and business world, industrial world, and workforce/dunia usaha, dunia industri, dan dunia kerja (DUDIKA) of Animation Study Program.

This activity discussed the alignment of the curriculum of SMK 4 and Polibatam. Also, the presentation of the Polibatam Animation Study Program which was explained by the Lecturer of the Animation Study Program, Happy Yugo Prasetya, M.Sn.

Every vocational school always partners with the world of business, the world of industry, and the workplaces/dunia usaha, dunia industri, dan dunia kerja (DUDIKA). This partnership aims to mutually improve educational services, especially the competence of graduate students who are ready to work according to industry needs based on their respective competency skills.

In order to realize the Link and Match program for SMK and Dudika Animation Study Program, SMKN 4 Tanjung Pinang will also make visits to industries in Batam.
Greetings Polibatam…

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