Polibatam Launches MyInternship and TalentHub Applications
POLIBATAM-The development of technology and the speed and need for information, Politeknik Negeri Batam continues to improve and improve services in terms of apprenticeship (internship) and career information. Service and convenience of the apprenticeship and career system is one of the Polibatam’s priorities of as a form of close cooperation between industry and educational institutions.
Taking place at the Nagoya Hill Hotel Batam Ballroom, Politeknik Negeri Batam in collaboration with the ILO and the UK Government through UK Skills for Prosperity (UKS4P) launched the MyInternship and TalentHub applications as a form of improving services to students, alumni, and industry in terms of apprenticeships and career information. This app was made official on December 6, 2022.
The MyInternship application can be used by students to get information on internship places, simplify internship administration from start to finish, such as internship applications, logbooks, attendance lists, internship reports, and up to apprentice student assessments. Besides, it is also easy for the industry to get information on student candidates who will do internships with all administration undertaken online in one application. Meanwhile, the TalentHub application makes it easy for students and alumni as well as the industry to obtain information on job vacancies and candidates according to the competencies desired by the industry.
This applications were inaugurated by Uuf Brajawidagda as Acting Director of Partnership for Business and Industry, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, accompanied by Halida Nufaisa from the British Embassy Jakarta, Mery Kent from the International Labor Organization (ILO), Heru Dewanto from KADIN, Iban Salda Safwan from Industrial Advisory Batam Board (IAB), Ahmad Riyad Firdaus, as Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at Politeknik Negeri Batam, Muhammad Zaenuddin as Deputy Director for Student Cooperation and Alumni Affairs, and all industrial partner representatives in Batam City.
Greetings Polibatam…
#Polibatam #MyInternship #TalentHub #ILO #IAB #Vocation