Polibatam Investment Gallery Held Coaching and Assistance Activities to Establish Investment Education Gallery Services at SMAN 18 Batam

POLIBATAM-The Polibatam Investment Gallery held a socialization activity for the Polibatam GI Service and Research Program, i.e. Introduction to the Capital Market through the Investment Education Gallery as a means of learning about investment for students of SMAN 18 Batam which was held on Friday, November 3, 2023.
The activity was warmly opened by the principal of SMAN 18 Batam, Nelly, and a presentation session with resource persons by Muhammad Alif Zulfiqar as Polibatam Lecturer, Indra Novita as the Head of the IDX Riau Islands Representative Office, and Marisa as the Branch Representative of Phintraco Sekuritas Batam. This Investment Education Gallery facility collaborated with 4 parties, including PT. Indonesian Stock Exchange, PT. Phintraco Securities, Batam State Polytechnic, and SMA Negeri 18 Batam.
This activity aims to increase the financial literacy of the younger generation while attending school. This is considering the level of financial literacy based on data released by the Financial Services Authority in the 2022 National Survey of Financial Literacy and Inclusion/Survei Nasional Literasi dan Inklusi Keuangan (SNLIK). In Riau Islands, only 48.57% and the inclusion level amounted to 87.01%. This indicates that many people in the Riau Islands, especially Batam City, use financial products but do not know the benefits and risks of these financial products or are unable to use financial products optimally.
“Thank you for positively contributing to developing financial and investment knowledge among students. Politeknik Negeri Batam Investment Gallery Community Service and Research Program at SMAN 18 Batam is starting the careful mentoring steps we need,” explained Nelly, the Principal of SMAN 18 Batam.
This mentoring process aims to develop an in-depth understanding and adequate practical skills for students in managing their finances and investment potential. The first week of coaching was held on November 10, 2023. Politeknik Negeri Batam Investment Gallery PBL Research and Service Program team presented material related to easy and fun investing, capital market schemes, and investment practices for beginners.
Students are very enthusiastic about asking questions about investment. This shows their curiosity and enthusiasm for understanding deeper aspects related to the world of investment and capital markets.
Then, the second week of coaching was held on November 28, 2023. In this coaching, the PBL Team presented different material topics from the previous week, i.e. stocks as an attractive option, the importance of fundamental analysis as a tool for measuring company performance, and stock buying and selling schemes.
In the final session of the event, Mr. Riyadi Aprayuda, SE., M.Ak., CDS. as the Director of Politeknik Negeri Batam Investment Gallery symbolically handed over the “Smart Investing” guidebook and the “Share Investment Practice Book” to SMAN 18 Batam. This book is the work of students who participated in the Project Based Learning (PBL) Research and Service Program of the Polibatam Investment Gallery. The handover of this book is a form of commitment from the Polibatam Investment Gallery to provide students with in-depth investment knowledge.

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