Vocational Education Should be the Society’s First Choice

NEWS-Although the institutions are new comer, the Directorate General of Vocational Education and educational institutions followed are expected to be able to make vocational education as the community’s first choice. This was conveyed by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Vocational Education, Wartanto, on opening the Public Relations and Publication Work Meeting of the Directorate General of Vocational Education in 2022 in Bekasi, West Java (29/3).
According to Wartanto, people’s interest in vocational education is still low on demand. Vocational education, continued Wartanto, is still placed as the second choice in the community. This is at least based on a survey about people’s interest in vocational education.
So, we should be able to change this perception,” Wartanto said.
In fact, added Wartanto, many successful figures come from vocational education graduates. As for the level of further education, the level of vocational education is also increasingly diverse, with choices in applied scholars, even up to the applied S-2 level.
“There are also scholarships provided. So, it is no longer possible for vocational students to be confused when they want to continue their education,” said Wartanto.
For this reason, Wartanto asked such vocational education units as polytechnics to have a great communication strategy to introduce their educational programs to the public. So, vocational education will be known larger to the community and might be as the first choice, and no longer because it is forced. In addition, polytechnics can begin to communicate success stories from alumni, polytechnic products, industrial collaborations, and programs offered. The various communication materials are expected to attract the interest of the public and prospective vocational students to be confident in choosing vocational education.
“Polytechnic Public Relations can maximize of using social media, gatherings with industry, local governments, and various stakeholders as a communication strategy,” continued Wartanto.
With a well-planned communication strategy, polytechnics can also collaborate with industry and gain support from local governments. This cooperation will benefit vocational education graduates and increase public interest and confidence in vocational education. “Because people will see that vocational graduates can immediately work,” said Wartanto.
Source: https://vokasi.kemdikbud.go.id/
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