Uuf Opens The 5th ICAE and The 4th ICAESS Polibatam, Three International Keynote Speakers, 299 Participants

NEWS-Director of Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam), Uuf Brajawidagda, ST MT PhD., opened the Conference Event, The 5th International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE) and The 4th International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS) virtually in the Polibatam Technopreneur Center building, on Wednesday (5/10/2022).
The chairman of the Event Committee, Dr. Prasaja Wikanta, ST. M.Sc., and Public Relations of the event, Nurrahmah Andayani, SIP. M.Si. added that the national and international level academic event was attended by 299 domestic and foreign online participants (virtually, ed). The full English-language event raised the theme Responsing the Metaverse Era for Future Applied Technology.
The committee presented three keynote speakers, i.e., Prof. Yusep Rosmansyah, ST. MSc. Ph.D. from the Information Technology Research Division (KKTI) School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Yusep conveyed the use of metaverse technology in the world of education. Followed by two foreign speakers online, i.e., Associate Professor School of Business and Economics Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Dr. Hj Mohammad Nabil Almunawar; and Global R&D Director of Telemecanique Sensors, Ashwani SINGH.
Through a virtual screen, Uuf said that the purpose of this conference was to disseminate the results of applied research conducted by researchers, students, and lecturers of Polibatam as well as from various countries. Of course, this is very important to do so that there is a match between academic and industrial research.
In one of his materials entitled Metaverse for Education, Yusep mentioned the importance of metaverse potential in innovation education, laboratory simulations (for example, safety training), procedural skills development (for example, operations), STEM education (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), and social sciences. Then the metaverse can provide an immersive learning experience, improve collaborative learning, interactive learning, and a dynamic environment, and increase student motivation and learning quality.
Mohammad Nabil Almunawar in his material entitled Digital Marketplace Platforms said that the digital market is a digital space that facilitates interactions and transactions between producers/sellers and consumers/buyers digitally. However, to operate efficiently, digital marketplaces need digital platforms that can serve a number of users interacting with different roles digitally at an acceptable pace, regardless of time and place. Of course, to develop a digital market, it is necessary to implement a growth strategy that can increase the number of transactions between sellers and buyers.
Ashwani Singh in his material Sensing needs of Industry 4.0 and Enabling Technologies said that the Internet of Things (IoT) has become the talk of the past decade, billions of connected devices in homes, offices and others. However, implementing IoT solutions to industrial contexts is not that easy. Industrial environments present a different set of challenges for sensors used in data capture, networks for transferring data through the edge or cloud, and end-to-end data security.
This keynote address will describe challenges such as Industrial IoT connectivity and discuss the various enabling technologies that drive this Industrial 4.0 revolution. (*)
Source: Batam Pos
#Polibatam #ICAE #ICAESS