Polibatam Presents Departments According to the Needs of Industries

Batam – Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) which now has around 8,400 students, strengthens intellectual capacity according to technological developments. Study Programs at Polibatam are presented in accordance with the needs of the industrial world. This commitment and optimism were conveyed by the Director of Batam State Polytechnic, Uuf Brajawidagda, Ph.D., on Monday (26/9/2022) accompanied by the Batam Regional Secretariat Government Assistant, Yusfa Hendri. “The Study Programs here follow the development of the industrial world in Batam,” said Uuf.
It was revealed that the Study Programs at Polibatam were developing and vocational-based. In 2000, Batam focused on Manufacturing, Oil, and Gas, in 2004 entered the Creative Industry, in 2010-2014 went to Shipbuilding and MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul), in 2017 entered the Digital Bridge, in 2018 was Logistics, and in 2022 has altered to Tourism.
“We are also building students dormitory,” he added. Currently, Polibatam also has a Technoprenuer building, which has been operating since last year. In the future, the plan from the remaining land will be to build tower B for a study room, sports hall, and an auditorium. Then, there is also an aircraft Hangar Lab in Polibatam. This Aircraft Maintenance Study Program has been recognized in recent years. Meanwhile, it is recognized that the graduates/human resources have been required for the hangars in Indonesia for a long time.
“We admit that our education sector has been slow to respond to this, lagging behind a few years after the industrial development took place. Like MRO, it has been started in 2011, but the study program was only available a few years ago and has only graduated three batches. Inevitably, the industries in Batam recruited human resources from outside,” explained Uuf.
It is estimated that in the future, Polibatam alumni will enter the industrial world according to their fields. Thus, it prepares reliable human resources for industrial needs. The current study programs, in the future, are required by many industries. “Such as Instrumentation Engineering in the chip manufacturing process, Cyber Security Technology, Power Plant Technology, and others,” he explained.
On the other hand, it is currently recognized that the industrial world requires chips whereas all devices require chips. However, human resources in this field are limited. Thus, Polibatam cooperates through the study program with PT. Infineon Batam.
“Power Plant Technology, where in the future, the government program will use renewable energy through solar cells. Now, we are starting to prepare the human resources,” he added.
Meanwhile, Assistant 1 of Batam City Government, Yusfa Hendri, said that he was proud of the student activities at Polibatam. He is optimistic that in the future, Polibatam will be able to meet the needs of the Batam and Indonesian industries.
“We as Batam citizens are proud of such a great campus. We want our children to graduate and work immediately, so study at Polibatam! There are even certain majors who have not graduated from college, but have been asked to work in companies,” added Yusfa.
Currently, at Polibatam, there is a Business Management Department with the Diploma 3 Accounting study program, Applied Bachelor of Managerial Accounting, Applied Bachelor of Applied Business Administration, Applied Bachelor of International Trade Logistics, and an Applied Bachelor of Applied Business Administration (International Class).
While for the Electrical Engineering department, there are Diploma 3 Manufacturing Electronics Engineering, Applied Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, Diploma 3 Instrumentation Engineering, Applied Bachelor of Mechatronics Engineering, Applied Bachelor of Energy Generating Engineering Technology, and Applied Bachelor of Robotics Engineering.
In the Informatics Engineering department, there are Diploma 3 Informatics Engineering, Diploma 3 Geomatics Technology, Applied Bachelor of Animation, Applied Bachelor of Multimedia and Network Engineering, Applied Bachelor of Cybersecurity Engineering, and Applied Bachelor of Software Engineering.
As well as for the Mechanical Engineering major, there are Diploma 3 Mechanical Engineering, Diploma 3 Aircraft Maintenance Engineering, Applied Bachelor of Marine Construction Engineering Technology, Applied Bachelor of Welding and Fabrication Engineering Technology, and Professional Engineer Program/Program Profesi Insinyur (PSPPI).
Source: https://innews.id/polibatam-hadirkan-jurusan-sesuai-kebutuhan-industri/