Polibatam Participates in Junior High School Teacher Training with Bebras Indonesia and Google.org

POLIBATAM-On 9–14 March 2023, a junior high school teacher training activity was held at Politeknik Negeri Batam. This teacher training activity is part of the Smart Movement/Gerakan Pandai 2 in 2023 which is being carried out with Bebras Indonesia and supported by Google.org. Politeknik Negeri Batam is the executor of Smart Movement 2 for the Batam area with the full support of the Batam City Education Office. This movement aims to introduce Computational Thinking (CT) and High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) abilities to students by incorporating CT and HOTS into the subject matter.
This training was attended by 210 junior high school teachers in Batam City, i.e. science, mathematics, informatics, and Indonesian language teachers. The number of teachers participating in the 2023 training has increased fourfold compared to the 2022 data. This shows the enthusiasm of the teachers in participating in the CT and HOTS introduction activities.
This training lasts for 4 days or the equivalent of 32 hours of lessons. The training was carried out in a hybrid manner which was divided into offline or face-to-face activities which were carried out at Politeknik Negeri Batam and activities carried out independently by the participants at their respective places.
From the training activities that have been carried out, it is hoped that it will be a provision for teachers to be able to apply the Computational Thinking (CT) and High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) methods to the learning of students in their schools. This activity is an effort to support and make Google Smart activities successful by applying the Computational Thinking (CT) and High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) methods.
#Polibatam #CT #HOTS #Bebras #Google.org