Polibatam Campus Vocational Show 2023 Officially Held, Collaborated on Various Contests and Events as well as an Event to Showcase PBL’s Works for a Year

POLIBATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) was again holding a Vocational Show this year on 9-10 August 2023. The Vocational Show collaborated with various Polibatam Campus events from various departments, study programs, and national events.
Polibatam hosted major activities such as the International Business Administration Competition (IBAC), PBL Expo, Polibatam Fair, and Polibatam Job Fair. In addition to these activities, Polibatam also launched several Freedom to Learn-Independent Campus/Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka programs such as the Free Student Exchange/Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM), Polibatam Independent Entrepreneurs, CDIO Handbooks, Village Community Empowerment Program/Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa (P2MD) Funding, Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA), and Certified Independent Study Internships which were collaborated in this Vocational Show event 2023.
Deputy 2 Staff Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Abetnego Tarigan, Treasurer of Bakorma, BP Batam, Director and Deputy Director, Head or Deputy Head of Business Administration of State Polytechnics throughout Indonesia, and Industrial Partners were present at the opening of the Vocational Show 2023.
“The purpose of holding various competitions is to improve the skills of students, as a gathering place, and to exchange information between campuses. In addition, Bakorma seeks to internalize the existing competitions later. Thank you for the welcome and support from Polibatam for holding this event,” said the Treasurer of Bakorma, Emin Haris.
Polibatam Director, Uuf Brajawidagda, said in his remarks, “This year’s vocational show is a collaboration of various events or activities combined at the Vocational Show 2023. This semester, there are 419 learning projects, 137 of which result from collaboration with industry, and 120 booths have been selected to be displayed at the PBL EXPO exhibition.

Deputy 2nd Office of the Presidential Staff of the Republic of Indonesia, Abetnego Tarigan, accompanied by the Director of Polibatam and Bakorma, officially opened this year’s Vocational Show event by hitting percussion instruments. By hitting the percussion instrument, the Vocational Show 2023 was officially opened.

“Earlier, I also saw the various facilities on the Polibatam campus, and I feel that vocation is right to be one of the solutions in developing human resources in Indonesia. There is Presidential Decree No. 68 of 2022 concerning the Revitalization of Vocational Education and Vocational Training. Through this presidential regulation, Vocational Education has received special attention from the President to produce quality human resources who are ready to be accepted by the industrial world. Once again, we appreciate and continue to support the activities organized by the Polytechnic and the Directorate of Vocational Education,” said Abet.
An MoU signing event was also held between Polibatam and Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah (PSA) Malaysia regarding the Tridarma of Higher Education at the opening ceremony.

The Vocational Show is an annual agenda as a forum for students, partners, and so on to distribute information about works, bazaars, and other entertainment. Of course, these activities and programs are accompanied by some entertainment, tenants at the Bazaar, and others starting from 8-10 August 2023. On the peak night, which was held on 10 August 2023, not only was there an announcement of the winners of various existing competitions, but there was also entertainment from the Capital Artist “THE RAIN”, who came from Yogyakarta.
This Vocational Performance was also supported by PT. Kreasi Indonesia Makmur, PT. Matahari LED, PT. Airmas Batam Jaya, PT. Bank Negara Indonesia, PT. Bank Tabungan Negara Syariah, PT. Bank Syariah Indonesia, CV. Spektra Anugrah Abadi, Oma Travel, Khiant Sukses Advertising, and Hang Nadim Batam International Airport.
For the participants who have attended the Vocational Show 2023, We wish them continued success and staying in touch with each other and collaborating with the Singapore Minister of Education, who was also present and the industry partners who attended this Vocational Show.
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