Jefridin Invites Students to Build Regions: Batam Is More Instagramable

NEWS-The Regional Secretary of Batam, Jefridin Hamid, representing the Mayor of Batam City, Muhammad Rudi, invites students in Batam to continue to support development in Batam. He admitted that Batam needs ideas from millennials in Batam.

“What are the wishes of the youth in Batam, please convey the ideas,” said Jefridin after attending the graduation of BPoliteknik Negeri Batam students, on Monday (17/10/2022). Jefridin explained that a number of developments in Batam, under the leadership of the Mayor of Batam City really accommodate the ideas of millennials, including students.

“For Batam Center, an Instagramable area has been built, it can be a place to take selfies,” he said. The area that Jefridin mentioned is from the One Batam Mall area to Mega Mall which has now been transformed into an enchanting place. The area is not only a wide road but also built cyclist and pedestrian paths complete with benches and decorative lights. “This development is to make the area more beautiful,” he said.

For this reason, he hopes that students will continue to support development in Batam and continue to create conditions conducive to accelerating development. “All this development is for the people of Batam City. With this development, tourism and up to Batam’s economy will have a positive impact,” he said.

For students who have graduated, he hopes that they continue to give contributions and bright ideas for the kindness of Batam City in the future. He also advised the graduates to apply all the knowledge they had learned in college.

“This education is a process of self-maturation,” said Jefridin. “Congratulations on your graduation, let’s build Batam together,” concluded Jefridin.

#Polibatam #Graduation #Batam #2022