Guidelines for Competency Certification and Certified Internship

INFO-Competency certification program, certified industrial internship, and strengthening the governance of excellent vocational higher education/perguruan tinggi vokasi (PTV) with a global reputation are programs to strengthen competence and industry insight/experience for PTV lecturers to be able to strengthen the learning process, create superior, and quality human resources.
This program is a priority program of the Directorate General of Vocational Education to facilitate PTPPV to achieve specific advantages in accordance with the mandate of Law no. 12 of 2012 Chapter 16 verse 1. Indeed, the competency certification programs and certified industrial internships are intended to increase the competence of lecturers in vocational colleges.
Hi #PolibatamFriends, the following is the guidelines of competency certification and certified internship. Please Download!
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